Book And Cancel Appointments

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Pharmacy / Self Help

Your pharmacy can advise you on minor illness without the need for an appointment. Visit the NHS website to see the range of conditions your community pharmacist can help with.

We also have lots of useful information on our Taking Care Of Yourself At Home page for many ailments that do not require a GP appointment

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Book An Appointment / Get Medical Advice From The Practice

To request an appointment please complete our online form here

Our online forms are available between the hours of 7:00AM to 14:00PM. 

Please visit the Accurx website which explains our online forms and how to submit a form

Please provide as much detail as you can so we can triage your request appropriately. The triage team will be in touch within 6 hours. 

If you are unable to complete the form yourself, please do call the reception team on 020 8397 9494 who will be more than happy to fill one in on your behalf. 

We have worked hard to diversify our clinical team to enable us to arrange the most suitable help for you in a timely manner. Once your request has been reviewed, we will be in touch to arrange a GP appointment, online advice and treatment or a referral to your local pharmacy, social prescriber, or our in-house pharmacy team.

What happens if I need to be seen and the practice is at full capacity? 
Once the practice has reached capacity for the day, our forms will be switched off. This is so we can practice safely. If you feel you have an urgent medical need that cannot wait, please contact the reception team on 020 8397 9494 who will leave a message for the triage team who either: 

  • Arrange an appointment with the duty doctor
  • Help you over the telephone
  • Book you in to a local extended access hub
  • Direct you to another more appropriate service, for example the district nursing team.

All of our standard GP appointments are 10 minutes long

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Book Nurse And Other Healthcare Professional Appointments

You can book appointments with our nurses, healthcare assistants, pharmacists and dieticians directly with the reception team, or by completing an online form

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Home Visits

Please fill out the appointment request form and explain that you are housebound, or call the surgery. All requests for visits at home are triaged by our GPs. 

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Self Referrals

Not all referrals require you to speak to us first. You can self-refer to:

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Sickness Certificates

If you have been off work for seven days or less you do not require a doctor’s note. Your employer may require you to complete a self-certification form called an SC2 which is available from the HMRC website

If you are absent from work for more than 7 days, your employer may ask you to provide some form of medical evidence.  To obtain a medical certificate, now called a ‘Statement of Fitness for Work’, please request one via our dedicated online form.   Please remember the doctor cannot backdate your certificate, so you need to contact the surgery when you become unwell, and not once you have gone back to work.

If your employed wants a statement on your fitness to go back to work or on adjustments that need to be made for you, you will need a referral to a specialised occupational health advisor. We are not able to arrange this at the practice. 

Need a certificate following a hospital procedure?
If you need to be certified as unfit for work following treatment by a specialist the specialist should issue you with a Fit Note.   The Fit Note should cover the period they expect you to be unfit to work, or until your next contact with the specialist. 

You should not need to see your GP to get a Fit Note following hospital treatment, unless your inability to work is unexpectedly prolonged.

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Life Threatening - Go to A&E

In an EMERGENCY call 999.
If you or someone you know has a life-threatening condition, such as loss of consciousness, a sudden confused state, chest pain, breathing difficulties etc, you should call 999


If you are unable to keep an appointment, please let us know as soon as possible, this may enable someone else to be seen.

You can cancel your appointment in any of the following ways:

Cancellations notified less than 30 minutes before the appointment time will be recorded as failure to attend (DNA). Repeated failure to attend booked appointments is a significant waste of NHS resources and may lead to your registration being removed from our list.