Modern Slavery Statement


The Orchard Practice is a General Practice serving the population of Chessington. Our purpose is to provide high quality care to our patients, combining the best of modern medicine with the traditional role of the family doctor.

We understand the need to mitigate modern slavery risks related to our operations and put in place measures to ensure there is no slavery or human trafficking in our own practices or supply chains.

This statement is in accordance with Part 6 (Section 54) of the Modern Slavery Act (2005) and covers the period of the financial year 2021-22.


Practice Structure

The practice is a partnership run by Dr Maggie Walker and Dr Haythem Naseef. We have over 50 employees based in our practice working for the benefits of our patients.

Our Practice location is The Orchard Practice, Orchard Gardens, KT9 1AG

Our management team provides line management support to staff and comprises of our Practice Manager, Deputy Practice Manager, Operations Manager, Secretarial Manager and Reception Manager.

The Practice Partners and the management team and practice partners provide the leadership and governance for services undertaken at the practice.


Supply Chain and Contracts

Suppliers used by the practice have signed up to abiding by the principles of The Modern Slavery Act 2015. Contracts with the local council to provide public health services to our patients require the practice to provide evidence of engagement with the Act.

The practice continues to work with local partners who do not make specific reference to the Act in their contracts to ensure that they take steps on the practice’s behalf to guard against modern slavery, human trafficking, forced and bonded labour and labour rights violations in their supply chains.



The practice provides a full induction programme to all staff, including specific training around safeguarding. We work within a healthcare environment and expect all our staff to live out the values of the practice in their interactions at work.

GPs and the practice staff play an important role in the recognition of victims of modern slavery. The practice provides specific training and practical guidance for practice staff. We make use of the RCGP safeguarding toolkits for both adults and children.