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Image for article titled EMIS SYSTEM DOWN EMIS SYSTEM DOWN We are unable to access our EMIS system. - Learn More 19/07/2024 Image for article titled Please be kind to our staff Please be kind to our staff Staff at our practice are working extremely hard and doing their best to make sure patients are safe. 20/12/2023 Image for article titled Cancer Awareness Month - Bowel Cancer Cancer Awareness Month - Bowel Cancer Bowel cancer is a broad term for cancer that begins in the large bowel, which is made up of the colon and rectum. 29/08/2023 Image for article titled Cancer Awareness Month - Breast Cancer Cancer Awareness Month - Breast Cancer Breast cancer is cancer that starts in the breast tissue. The treatment you need depends on the type of breast cancer you have. - Learn more 21/08/2023 Image for article titled Cancer Awareness Month - Prostate Cancer Cancer Awareness Month - Prostate Cancer 1 in 4 Black Men will get Prostate Cancer - Learn More... 17/08/2023 Image for article titled Redirected to this site from Churchill Medical Centre? Redirected to this site from Churchill Medical Centre? If you have been redirected to this site from Churchill Medical Centre, please call us on 020 3727 2230. 03/08/2023 Image for article titled Let's Talk About Cervical Screening Let's Talk About Cervical Screening You might know about smear tests. They can stop cervical cancer from ever developing. 26/06/2023